Ministries Events

Our Services

Glad Tidings Apostolic Assembly is a church rich in the traditions of the Pentecostal Church. We praise enthusiastically, because we rejoice in what the Lord has done for us. We worship joyfully, because we love the Lord, and truly, He is worthy of all honor. During our worship, you will witness us clapping, singing joyfully, and dancing before the Lord. All of these things are scriptural forms of praise found throughout the book of Psalms. Feel free to join us — you'll be surprised how much better you will feel. But if you are comfortable sitting silently, please feel free to do so.

All Services being held at the:

321 Quadrangle Drive Bolingbrook, IL 60440

“The following guidelines have been established for Glad Tidings Apostolic Assembly per the Village of BB. If you are sick, have a cold, have a cough or a fever, please stay at home until you are well. Masks must be on before you enter the church and must remain on during the entire service. Social Distancing Guidelines & hand sanitizing will be encouraged at all times.”

Thank you for understanding because as Christians, some sacrifices have to be made for our protections and the greater good of being able to Praise and serve God in the Sanctuary again! These protocols will remain in place until further updates.

** Pastor Kendrick & the GTAA Church Family strive to be a vital resource to our members and community. We would love to get to know you & be the spiritual support for you & your family!